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Tree Planting

We’ve teamed up with trees for life as our tree planting partner in order to try and reduce our carbon footprint. We’re not oblivious, we understand that the vehicles we sell will have carbon emissions associated with their manufacture. Whilst we recommend going fully electric if possible, plug-in hybrid and standard hybrid vehicles also have emissions associated with driving.

A single tree can help prevent

Water Pollution

Water Pollution

Waterlogged land can contribute to issues such as infertile land or even flooding. Tree roots can absorb this water to prevent these things from happening.

Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion

Such as landslides which contribute to the destruction of residential areas and agricultural land in areas where deforestation is prominent.

Loss of Water

Loss of Water

The shade which tree canopies provide helps elongate the evaporation process, making water more accessible in previously dry environments.

By doing this we’ll mitigate some of the carbon footprint associated with the manufacture and the day-to-day usage of the vehicles we lease. It will also help to reduce the carbon footprint associated with our general office activities paper, energy usage etc.

Trees For Life

Trees for Life was founded in 1989 and are a registered UK charity. Their aim is to conserve and restore the beautiful Caledonian forest of the Scottish Highlands.

The Caledonian forest is currently only a tiny fraction in size compared to its former glory. Many of the current trees are nearing the end of their lifespace. These trees are not currently being replanted due to sheep and deer overgrazing. Trees for life aim to create a sustainable and natural forest environment, reintroducing beavers, wild boars, lynxes and wolves. Bringing the Scottish Highlands back to its former glory and reducing carbon in our atmosphere by mass tree planting. 

Want to get involved?

Why are Trees so Important?

Plants are practically the earths only contribution to oxygen in the atmosphere, and oxygen is required for all organisms to survive, including plants themselves. Around 50% of the oxygen in our atmosphere is a product of phytoplankton via photosynthesis, the other half is on behalf of plants on land - the main contributor being trees. The answer to reducing greenhouse gases is down to increasing the beneficial/non-damaging gases to balance out the damaging ones such as CO2 or methane.

The rise in air pollution as a result of the industrial revolution and mass agricultural impacts contributing to deforestation and livestock production have warranted for immediate change in recent years due to the devastating impact it’s having on our planet. The destruction of the earth through higher rates of pollution isn’t going to starve us of oxygen as it may make it out to believe, but greenhouse gasses are contributing to the destruction of the ozone layer – a type of “filter” that blocks Ultraviolet radiation in its strongest forms (UVA and some UVB rays). If this layer depletes, the risk of cancer increases in all organisms, green plants will be inhibited in growth, our eyes would be prone to damage and even permanent blindness if the exposure is too concentrated or for too long and our immune systems will even decay. This is ignoring the other impacts of being exposed to harmful gases.

Ultimately, trees are helping this from actually happening, but we need to make-up for what has already been damaged and prevent it from getting any worse. This is why planting trees is a fantastic method in saving the environment. If we strategically place our best species of trees in areas where we can cultivate regions for wildlife and organisms to thrive in, then we can make sure that our future is in safer hands. Even one tree could be home to over 4,000 different species and tree species such as oak can live up to 1000 years - so one tree can certainly make a difference.

People Planting Trees

We can all do our part to make the world a better place - whether we recycle our plastic, pick-up litter or give old items and clothing to charity - small steps can make huge impacts. Whether you decide to donate and help Trees for Life, Lease a vehicle from us or neither; we hope you continue to support preserving our nation's trees with a big thanks from us for making our environment a cleaner, healthier and happier place!

Here are some Interesting Facts on Trees!

Trees Contribute Massively to the Oxygen Production on Earth.
Your average-sized tree generates enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing.

Trees can Help Keep Areas Cool
Placing three trees strategically around a building can cut air-conditioning costs by up to 50%.

Trees Increase the Value of Property
Trees increase the value of property, with houses surrounded by trees selling for 18-25 percent higher than houses with no trees.

Trees Provide Food and Shelter for Wildlife
Trees provide food, shelter and protection for wildlife such as birds, rodents, bugs and a whole myriad of different creatures.

Trees can Reduce Stress and Lower your Blood Pressure
Being in the presence of trees can help alleviate stress and can reduce your heart rate.

Many Jobs Require Resorces from Trees
Many jobs depend on trees. They contribute to raw materials for buildings, newspapers, books as well as 15,000 other forest products. Because trees are a natural resource, they remain renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. By-products of wood include vitamins, toothpaste and medicines.

Trees have a Positive Impact on Health and Happiness
Studies have shown how Trees impact our health and happiness significantly; workers are more productive when they see trees along their commute routes and office windows and hospital patients with a view of trees showed to heal faster, use fewer pain medications and leave the hospital sooner than patients with a view of a brick wall. On average, a patient with a view of trees spends 8 percent fewer days in hospital.

Consumers Spend More Money in Shopping Districts
They’ve also found that consumers are likely to spend more money in shopping districts with a greater density of trees. Shoppers are willing to stay longer and rate products and stores as a higher quality when said businesses are situated among greenery.

Squirrel Climbing a Tree